Smart video digital marketing strategy


Video Marketing & Promotions Package for All Business in


Through “OnlineVideo & Channel Marketing


Rs 51000 For 6 Month

In this competitive world market user has some option to get customer search & compare on internet only

for better, VCM is providing all better content & key words to fulfill customer needs.

VCM strategy helps your business to improve more clients through magnetic powers of Videos.

VCM helps your business or your search to influence more traffic. Convert the traffics towards your

brands and users.

Let the customer find you

OVCM provide the smart ways of doing business with positive growth & results.

Internet is the only platform for communicating or share or searching. Get easy promotion through

OVCM. Based on the demand strategy, we do:

- Creating Channel

-View and subscribers

- Key word optimization

- Content optimization

- Attractive and easy words

- Magnetic Marketing strategy.

Marketing Package fee -Rs 55000/- quarterly

2lakh rs. Yearly

Marketing Duration - 3Months Only

Services Under this package includes:

1.Online Listings with classified contents of your Business.

2.Listing with Best Searching Keywords contents.

3.Online Searching On Google and Other Search Engines.

4.Free Listing on (Best Local Search Directory in India).

5.Kota pride special OSM (Online Search Marketing) , OCM(Online classified Marketing) ,

CSM(Content Searching Marketing)



11. All Campaigns will be Organic. Searching on search engine will be permanent.